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From Sunday 26 September 2004

TBS in major leap?

According to industry rumours, which have not been officially confirmed, Taking Back Sunday has signed to Warner Bros.

BOE new track

Submitted: “Best Of Enemies have a new song to be heard called T.F.O and you can find it, along with upcoming dates, at It is a track from their forthcoming album ‘Blood Red Under Blue Skies’ which as yet, doesn’t have a release date.”

New Lev Yashin singer leaves

Submitted: “The New Lev Yashin have announced today that their singer Jimmy McHugh is leaving. Jimmy is leaving as he has other responsibilities and commitments which mean he can’t really commit fully to the band and fulfil the ambitions of the rest of the members.


Submitted: “The Mingers have re-released their 2003 EP – Fatal Error – as an internet download and its absolutely free! just go to and click on the linky things.”

Saturday 25 September 2004

PT Recs make new signing!

Punktastic Recordings has signed The Maple State. The Manchester-based quartet, who are influenced by the likes of HelloGoodbye, The Anniversary and Tom Petty – and who sound like none of those bands – are recording an EP for the label next

Hi honey, I’m (nearly) home!

As you may have noticed I have been on holiday this week and I’m not returning until Monday – so if you’ve sent me an email and I’ve not replied, don’t be offended! Everything will be back to normal next week!

Old news, but I havent been here. So meh.

Submitted by Robin: “The Copperpot Journals have split.”

Cape C leave IATDE

From the Cape Canaveral mailout: “Since we agreed to work with IATDE last August the label and Cape Canaveral have moved in completely different directions so the inevitable had to happen and we jumped ship. Don’t worry though, we aren’t going to rest on

Shuriken new songs

Shuriken have put another track for streaming in the run up to their Who And Whose Army? Records released ‘Evacuate / Disintegrate’ EP. Super Pursuit is the third track from the EP and the most straight ahead poppy and punky of the tracks with more hooks than

Having a holiday is the best thing ever

Hear two new The Used songs at