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From Saturday 02 April 2005


My Awesome Compilation have been added to the Motion City Soundtrack/The Maple State tour dates in May. Both shows are almost sold out, so act fast if you want to get tickets!

Posted a day late

Chariots started their tour last night and you can catch them at the following dates: 02.04 – Trowbridge, Terry’s 03.04 – Leeds, Fenton 04.04 – Manchester, Satan’s Hollow 05.04 – Hull, Ringside 06.04 – Preston, 12 Bar 07.04 – Grimsby, Matrix Club 09.04 – London, Bar Academy (w/

Death For Life

Death By Stereo have set a June 7th release date for their new album, entitled ‘Death For Life’. Click discuss this item for the tracklisting

Friday 01 April 2005

I wonder if they’re Clear Channel approved?

Taken from the Phinius Gage newsletter: “We’ve uploaded three new tunes from the new record for you to check out at and, at the moment we’ve hit up “The Sieve and The Sand”, “Truth About Lies”, and our Radio 1 endorsed track “Got A Way

A new (better) direction for Punktastic

With the start of a new tax year approaching we’ve got some major news which will change the future of Punktastic forever. As regulars will know, we’ve been getting more and more hits everday and now we’re regularly hitting over 10,000 a day which is mad! The

Four feet get new bassist and DVD details

An update from 4ft Fingers: “We are doing a few warm up shows before our tour kicks off on may 26th to introduce our new bass player! Yes dougie has left the band, this happened back at the end of the year basically he couldnt afford to


Furthest Drive Home mini tour/april dates: Friday 1st April – HIGH WYCOMBE @ white horse w/ THE ATTIKA STATE Friday 8th April – GUILDFORD @ plantation w/ THE WORST STORY Sunday 10th April – LONDON @ garage upstairs w/ THE MAPLE STATE Monday 11th April


Remember, if you are buying gig tickets for the likes of Download Fest, or a number of other large gigs, you can get tickets and help Punktastic out at the same time. To help us with our bandwidth bills, we get a small percentage of tickets bought through

Falling out sucks

Fallout Boy have a new e-card.

Derrick Plourde, RIP

Taken from “Kris Roe of the Ataris has posted that drummer Derrick Plourde, formerly of the Ataris, Lagwagon, Bad Astronaut, RKL and Mad Caddies shot and killed himself on March 30.”