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From Tuesday 25 July 2006

Bombs needed

YOU ME AND THE ATOM BOMB (Household Name Records) are touring in August with Southampton band CIRCUS ACT (Milliepeed Records). Dates are up at Monday 7th August, Tuesday 8th August, Wednesday 9th August and Friday 11th August free at the moment and the

Pixelface split

Submitted: “Pixelface have split up on the eve of their tour. Consequently they will be pulling out of all dates but the gigs themselves will still go ahead. The band would like to thank everyone that has ever helped them out over the last three years with

Secret shakes

Triple Crown Records have signed The Secret Handshake. Check them out at

Ken tour dates

Kenneth Ishak from Beezewax is touring this week with the excellent Little Explorer in tow: – Tue 25th – Vic Inn, Derby – Thur 27th – Basement Bar, Dundee – Sat 29th – The Inane, Southend – Sun 30th – Qubar, Margate – Mon 31th – The Betsey Trotwood, London

Blacklisted split

Submitted by Ash: “According to the Reflections Records website, Blacklisted have called it a day.”

Someday streaming

You can stream the new Someday Never record at I recommend you do as it’s very good indeed – for fans of Over It!

JEW go Butch

Taken from Jimmy Eat World will be teaming up with Nirvana producer Butch Vig for their next LP.

No more hurt?

The Hurt Process appear to have gone on hiatus.

Some By Sea disband

Some By Sea have disbabded.

Rancid News

Expect Rancid UK tour dates to be announced very soon…