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From Friday 23 February 2007

There will be blood

Taken from “Victory Records has signed Albany, GA’s With Blood Comes Cleansing.”

Rise Against guitarist quits

Guitarist Chris Chasse has left Rise Against and been replaced by Only Crime‘s Zach Blair.

Not so famous now

Controlling the Famous has called it quits.

Fightstar get trusted

Taken from “Trustkill has signed Fightstar. The label will be releasing the bands debut, Grand Unification, on April 17th with an unreleased bonus song entitled “Fight With Us.””

Thursday 22 February 2007

Epitaph sign cadence weapon

Taken from “Epitaph has announced plans to distribute the new record from Edmonton, Alberta-based hip hop artist Cadence Weapon.”

I love The Higher

You can now stream the entire new The Higher album, ‘On Fire’, at

PT is moving – new address soon

Punktastic is moving premises, so expect delays for reviews over the next 3-4 weeks. In the meantime, check out my eBay sale to help me finance the move! Items listed at this link

The last one-off I

This Saturday (24th Feb), Signature Tune are throwing a FREE entry afternoon (4 till 8) release party to celebrate the release of the Lakes EP. The show whcih will be hosted by the lovely poeple at Rota, Notting Hill will feature Lakes, In

A gaggle of gigs

Remember to check out our gig database – and add any gigs you think we’ve missed – at

Capdown comp winner

Thank you for all the entries on the Capdown competition – the winner was Tom Beck!