You're browsing the archives « Previous PageNext Page » From Wednesday 21 May 2008 This is just a post to make it look like we’ll have loads of friends there… Spud and I will be at Slam Dunk Fest in Leeds this weekend and will be interviewing/reviewing along the way. If you’re in a band and either playing OR not playing the fest and want a chat with us for the podcast or an interview for the site, email Hurry up and wait Submitted: Waiting For Sirens release their debut self titled EP on Walnut Tree Records this month and you can currently hear an EP teaser at the Walnut Tree Records myspace page while you’re it you can pre-order the 5 track release for £4 too. Slam Dunk time schedule Click ‘comment on this item’ for all the stage times and details for Sunday’s Slam Dunk Festival in Leeds. Aiden guitarist no longer in the band? Submitted: On Friday Jake from Aiden was allegedly thrown out of the band. The band was formed by him, Jake D and Angel originally and they used to practice in his garage. The band have refused to let him play the last 2 dates on New DIG record out now The new Down I Go album came out yesterday and you should all head on over to and pick it up… NFG new album details Taken from “Afterwards, I was able to briefly talk with Jordan from NFG – who played guitar live for the first time ever during ISHC – and learned a few updates on the new album. The band is currently finishing pre-production and is set to head TLE to release white noise The Living End’s 5th album, ‘White Noise’, has been recorded and will be released on July 19. Perfect Check out a new track by theperfectcrime over at Cocean need keys player Cocean require a female keyboard player with vocals – if you fit the bill email or visit the myspace page- A New Tour A New Day and Haddonfield take on the UK through the means of DIY touring this month following into june. Dates: 23rd May – Bowlers, Bridgend 24th May – The Swan With 2 Necks, Macclesfield 25th May – The Balcony Bar, Dundee 26th May –