Foxing – ‘Dealer’

By Ben Tipple

‘Dealer’ is instantly a completely different beast to Foxing’s 2013 debut, ‘The Albatross’. Already established as pioneers, the latest effort leaves any lasting conventions by the wayside. Instead, we’re treated to understated soundscapes formed by pianos, horn sections, guitars and densely packed emotion.

Foxing now share little in common with the scene that bred them. Even comparisons to the equally expansive The World Is A Beautiful Place… are few and far between. Opener ‘Weave’ sets the album’s new turn up brilliantly, yet still only hints at the sounds hiding on the rest of the record. ‘The Magdalene’ sees vocalist Conor Murphy stretch his vocals towards a muted scream, only one of very few occasions that hint at anything so cataclysmic.

‘Dealer’ prefers to keep its subtlety. The latter half in particular, guided by ‘Winding Cloth’ and ‘Coda’, removes Murphy’s vocals altogether in favour of immersive and haunting atmospherics. ‘Laundered’ overlays sensual film-noir trumpets on electronic led instrumentation, before the sultry vocal tones take effect. Everything is delicately layered, nothing ever dominates.

It’s a style that music aficionados are more likely to link to indie stars such as Foals or The Maccabees. Perhaps ‘Dealer’ is further proof of the blurring of genre boundaries and the evolution of bands. Yet there’s a messier element to this Foxing release that retains the band’s edge and keeps it somewhat removed from the aforementioned contemporaries. There’s moments of chaos in the beauty; considered, raw and passionate.

‘Dealer’ is a beautiful release. It’s intricate and reserved, yet challenges with unpredictable sounds and captivating experimentation. Taking Foxing in a new direction, it channels elements of their former material but makes a stand all its own. At times gut-wrenching, ‘Dealer’ serves its vulnerability on a beautifully sorrowful plate.


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