It’s sometimes easier to write ‘bad’ reviews by just launching into a not-particularly-helpful diatribe, chucking around a few choice adjectives and metaphors and trying to be funny. Hey, it works for the NME… Anyway, I’ve listened to this EP a few times now and I just don’t really like it. I did contemplate writing a ‘this is a bit shit’ review and try to be a smart arse, but that wouldn’t have helped anyone and I’d have come across as more of a twat than I already am. So I figured I’d try and be constructive.
The problem I have with this EP is that it’s badly recorded. The guitars are far too echoey, the vocals are out of tune and not helped by the fact it sounds like they were recorded in a dustbin, while the band have a fascination with starting songs with weird noises. I’m not sure if the singer can actually sing and that’s never a good start. ‘Guys, Chill Out…’ just sounds like a total mess, like the vocalist is actually singing to an entirely different song. It’s almost like the band are playing totally different parts. The drums kind of do their own thing, the guitars just sound like they’re buzzing away in the background and the vocal harmonies just don’t work at all.
My advice? Get back to the practice room and practice, practice, practice. When you’ve nailed three or four good songs go to a decent studio with a decent producer and record them properly because people won’t take you seriously if you skimp on the quality of your recordings. And this sounds like a very young band skimping on the quality of their songs.