Ahead of the seventh annual ‘Book Yer Ane’ Fest up north of the border, the masterminds behind the festival have put together a Bandcamp compilation of bands playing the festival.
Bands on the comp/playing the fest include The Murderburgers, Antillectual, Bangers, Grader, Rebuke and many more.
The comp is available for a donation of £2 (going to Make-That-A-Take and Safe-Tay, who raise money for Tayside Mountain and Water Rescue) at http://makethatatakerecords.bandcamp.com/album/byaf-vii-the-comp-part-one
You can also get an early bird ticket for the festival for £20, which includes a free comp download – http://makethatatakerecords.bandcamp.com/merch/earlybird-weekend-ticket-book-yer-ane-fest-vii