Details on Crime In Stereo post-humous shareware DVD release

By Andy

That was a mouthful wasn’t it?

Ryan Mackfall of Crashburn Media has announced details of ‘Everything Changes/Nothing Is Ever Truly Lost‘ on his blog. Serving as a final send-off for much-loved Long Islanders Crime In Stereo, the project will be a shareware DVD release, including an entire set of ‘The Troubled Stateside’ (shot in Kingston last year), the ‘I Am Everything I Am Not’ music video and other footage.

Shareware DVD release you say? Yes. One of them. Basically, a set amount of the DVDs will be distributed to outlets in the UK and US, who will be encouraged to spread it around/distribute/copy/rip as they so wish. For full details, and find out how you can be involved in the project, head over to Ryan’s blog.

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