Some more news from Groezrock today, as the festival has released full details of their second acoustic punk meet, which takes place in the BBQ area of the campsite on the friday night. Read the full details of the event below:
“After a successful edition last year, it’s time for edtion 2 of the Groezrock Acoustic Punk Meeting.
When: Friday April 27th 2012 – 22:00h
Where: BBQ area at the campsite
If you’d like to play feel free to contact us at: NORTH EMPIRE BOOKINGS or visit us @FACEBOOK.
Probably lots of people would like to play, we’ll do our best to let everyone play a few songs. We don’t want to make a time schedule or rules for this. We’ll just see what happens. It has to stay a fun thing to do, right?!
See you there! Don’t forget to invite all your friends!
Leagues Apart (UK)
Sweet Empire (NL)
Ducking Punches (UK)
PJ Bond (US)
Mark McCabe (UK)
Oliver John Ward (UK)
James Choice (AT)
Translated (NL)
Ray Average (DE)
Slowyear (UK)
lots more tba“
Read the full post:–groezrock-campsite–bbq-area.