I’m aware that a tiny fraction of our users are having trouble seeing parts of our site on the new server, especially the new forums. Please see my response and advice to this below and forward to anyone you know having problems.
You need to remove ALL internet settings (cookies, temp, cache), start afresh, and restart your browser. Then try again. Please try on more than one browser, e.g. Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Also, try at different computers, using different ISPs. Report any differences.
Also try the new subdomain we’ve got a test running on – http://forum1.punktastic.com/
I need to know your ISP if you’re still having a problem.
Also, I need you to open up a command prompt (it’s in Accessories, or google on how to find it) and type:
and paste the response in your reply. This is our server’s address and will tell me if you can access the server, thereby letting me know it’s a specific DNS (i.e. web address) problem.
Please circulate to anyone else having issues.
Forward any response to the above to spud@punktastic.com