Rock on in Stoke!

By paul

This Friday the legendary Rock City club night will hit Stoke On Trent.

May 31 is the opening night of Rock City‘s new night at The Void club and from this Friday onwards the weekly event will be bringing Stoke the best rock and alternative Music. Or so they say

The night will run in a similar way to Rock City‘s own Saturday jaunt and there will be two rooms of music and drinks offers on all night.

So if you fancy a boogie to Blink 182 or getting your groove on to Goldfinger, admission is £5 or £4 with NUS.

Doors are open from 9:30pm to 2am. The address is: The Void, Glass Street, Hanley, Stoke On Trent (01782) 209944

Look out for flyers which will give you free admission to the club.

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