Saosin vocalist Cove Reber was admitted to hospital after the band�s performance at the Give It A Name festival on Saturday in London. Reber needed urgent medical treatment when he began to vomit profusely within minutes of leaving the stage. He was rushed to hospital where he was treated for gastro-intestinal problems. The band were unable to play at last night�s GIAN show in Birmingham but their forthcoming gigs will go ahead as planned. You can catch them at the following dates.
April 30th: GLASGOW ABC2
May 2nd: MANCHESTER Academy 3
May 3rd: LEEDS Cockpit
May 4th: LONDON Metro
June 7th: London Mean Fiddler
June 8th: Download Festival (second stage)
Apr 30, 2007 22:11
Saosin vocalist hospitalised
By paul
April 30, 2007 by