What better way to celebrate Friday than with a brand new track from Great Cynics! Today we have ‘Want You Around (Chunky)’ which is taken from their upcoming album ‘I Feel Weird’. Check it out below!
‘I Feel Weird’ is out on May 18th and is a split release between Specialist Subject (UK), Lame-O Records (US) and Jackknife Records (AUS). Check out where you can grab a pre-order below:
UK – http://shop.specialistsubjectrecords.co.uk/
US – http://lameorecords.limitedrun.com/categories/vinyl
AUS – http://poisoncityestore.com/…/…/great-cynics-i-feel-weird-lp
The band have also been announced for FEST in October, the Mecca for all punk rock fans in Gainesville, Florida. But if you can’t wait till then to see them (and of course you can’t) you can catch them playing release shows across the UK. Dates are as follows:
16 LONDON Lexington
18 EXETER Cavern
05 LEEDS Fox n Newt