Pet Grief’s new track will ‘Melt’ your heart

By Ben Tipple

Pet Grief kick off their UK tour with The New Tusk this evening [16th September] at London’s Veg Bar. To mark the occasion, the band have unveiled their excellent new track ‘Melt’, presenting an stunning blend of raw DIY post-punk. Don’t just take our word for it though. When asking the band to tell us a little bit about the song they referred us to The New Tusk’s Nick, who was preparing to gush. And rightly so.

“Pet Grief are a mysterious band from south London,” Nick begins. “This is the 2nd track we’ve been ‘allowed’ to hear from the band. As the riff starts on this track I’m thinking ‘oh yeah cool, this is something I can get behind’. The guitar tone is raw, not too distorted and not too clean. Just right. As the drums and bass kick in they set the pace for the rest of the song. Locked in grooves swaying side to side and cheeky stabs here and there. The track as a whole is a proper little hip shaker, the recording does this song a lot of good, everything is clear and present. The vocals sit quite flat in the mix but you can tell these guys will ‘go for it’ live and have your head boppin and toes wigglin.”

Kicking off at the Punktastic Presents show in London (with Don’t Worry and Thrownups), the tour takes both bands through until the 24th September at Brighton’s Green Door Store. Check out the full dates after the exclusive stream of ‘Melt’ below.

16 LONDON Veg Bar
18 BRISTOL Hydra Books
19 MANCHESTER Fallow Cafe
21 LEEDS Brudenell Social Club
22 NORWICH Gringos
23 CAMBRIDGE The Blue Moon
24 BRIGHTON Green Door Store