Towards the end of 2015, Hindsights announced their end. Speaking to vocalist Benio Baumgart the following month, he hinted at a new project with guitarist Tom Richfield – a late addition to the Hindsights family shortly before the break-up. That project never came to be. “Tom said he was going to Japan to teach English, and however much I love the guy, this band needed to be a long-term thing,” Benio says now, presenting instead his new musical endeavour, Sibling.
“Sibling started as a post-rock studio project with Sam [Correa – guitar] and Lewis [Pickering – drums] some time at the beginning of 2016,” he explains. On ‘Silver’, their debut track, Sibling retain the Hindsights feel largely due to Benio’s distinctive vocals. Yet musically it’s less dense, utilising the intricacies of their admitted love for more expansive sounds. “It’s the first song we wrote together and shows our fun side, but also tells a tale of heart break, like the other three songs we’ve recorded,” Benio says of the track. “The three of us have such a love for post-rock I’m not sure if we’ll totally shake that influence going forward.”
Each of the trio also bring with them a myriad of influences, and broad musical pasts. “Sam was in a thrash metal band. Enough said,” Benio laughs, considering the difference between Sibling and their older projects. Now it’s more about having fun, and injecting enjoyment back into making music. “I guess the most important thing is that we have fun and are happy about everything we do with Sibling. What’s the point otherwise?,” he asks rhetorically. “We hope we can release more music and eventually head out on tour with our friends and maybe some of our favourite bands.”
“We all have an overwhelming feeling of excitement about this band and that’s down to the fact there is nothing expected of us, not to say that we’ll crumble under pressure of any sort. It’s just refreshing.”
More music is expected to appear in the coming months. Until then, stream ‘Silver’, the debut Sibling track exclusively below. To keep up to date, check out Sibling on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo by: Gingerdope Photography